Research Professor at the CSIC, Doñana Biological Station. National Research Award Alejandro Malaspina 2018. He was Coordinator (2009-2012) of the National Research Plan at the Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness for the Biodiversity, Ecology, and Global Change program. He has chaired the European Research Council panel for the IDEAS program (Starting Grants, LS8; 2013-2015) and vice-coordinator between 2008-2011. He currently chairs the area of Environmental Sciences and Technologies (CTM) at the State Research Agency. Visiting professor at the universities of Stockholm, Aarhus, Stanford, Harvard, St. Louis, Yale, Austin, Santa Cruz, Campinas, and São Paulo.
«In this new series of monographs covering the Paleocene-Pliocene, Pleistocene, and Holocene periods, José Carrión and a large group of collaborators once again delight us with an extensive and documented catalog of data on paleoflora and paleovegetation in Spain. It is nothing more and nothing less than a wide series of articles, gathered in three volumes, on the main paleobotanical records published for the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands that span the Cenozoic period. It is a very rigorous and detailed view of the past, which will undoubtedly help us to better understand the future of Iberian forests and landscapes in the current scenario of rapid global change.»

Grupo de investigación E005-II ECCE
HOMO (Evolución Cenozoico Cuaternario Ecología Homo)
© Paleofloraiberica